About the Project
The Pannonia-Adria Connection II - PA.CON II project will be implemented in the area of Nijemci in Croatia, Tuzla in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Lovćen National Park in Montenegro over the next two years. The lead partner in the project is the Municipality of Nijemci, while the other partners are the City of Tuzla, the NERDA Association for Development, the Center for Protection and Research of Birds, and the Public Enterprise for National Parks of Montenegro.
The total value of the project is EUR 2,148,481.20. The project is co-financed from the 1st Call of the Interreg VI-A IPA CBC Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Montenegro 2021-2027 Program with funds from the ERDF and IPA III funds of the European Union.
Project Goal
To contribute to the development of sustainable tourism activities by strengthening the socio-economic situation and improving tourism services and infrastructure in the cross-border area at three project locations. By investing in infrastructure, promoting local resources and culture, providing economic benefits for the local population, educating stakeholders and target groups, developing high-quality tourism products and services tailored to the needs and interests of tourists, the prospects for sustainable tourism development will be significantly improved.
Activity Plan
The planned activities envisage improving the accessibility of selected locations for different target groups, in terms of physical accessibility and access to information and new tourist content. This will be achieved through attractive, environmentally friendly services that aim to promote recreation and outdoor activities. Installing thematic equipment and interactive ways of communicating with tourists will ensure an innovative approach to the joint tourist offer and content created within the project. The improved regional cycling and pedestrian route will be connected with other important tourist attractions in all three countries, making it an integral part of the joint tourist offer. The implementation of the project officially started on September 1, 2024, and will last 27 months. More information about the Interreg VI-A IPA CBC Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Montenegro 2021-2027 Program can be found at: https://interreg-hr-ba-me.eu
Project Duration: 01.09.2024.-01.12.2026. (27 months)