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Although it was registered at the level of BiH and participates in projects throughput BiH, NERDA primarily acts in the territory of North-East BiH, that involves 34 cities and municipalities and Brčko District BiH. The total surface size of NE BiH is 7.260 km² (14,18 % of the total BiH surface) and it is the most populated region in BiH with around 1 million population, which makes 26,50% of the total BiH population.
The highest employment rate is in two sub-regional areas: four municipalities in Tuzla basin (Banovići, Lukavac, Tuzla and Živinice) and the Posavina-Semberija area (with the largest municipalities/cities: Bijeljina, Brčko and parts of Gradačac municipality), which makes for 65% of the total number of employees in NE BiH.

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