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Today in Tuzla, the renovated facilities at the Ilinčica excursion site were ceremonially opened


09/28/2022 10:20
The city of Tuzla and the Development Association NERDA, as partners in the implementation of the Pannonian-Adriatic link PACON project, today organized the opening ceremony of the renovated facilities of the Ilinčica picnic area, which includes the renovated Nature House.

The Pannonian - Adriatic connection/PA.CON project is financed through the EU IPA INTERREG cross-border cooperation program between Croatia, BiH and Montenegro. The main goal of the Project relates to the renovation of the existing and construction of new tourist infrastructure in all three partner countries, which enables better use of natural resources and valorization of the advantages of the ornitho-fauna of this area, which should result in an increased number of visitors to the selected tourist locations. The total value of the project is EUR 1,870,267.64, while EU co-financing is provided in the amount of EUR 1,578,318.84. The leading partner of the project is the Municipality of Nijemci from Croatia, while the partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina are the City of Tuzla and the Development Association NERDA from Tuzla, and from Montenegro the Center for the Protection and Study of Birds and the Public Enterprise for National Parks of Montenegro. The duration of the project is 27 months starting from 15.10.2020. years.
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