The first cycle of educational and informational training on the topic of inclusive education at the Junior High School "Hasan Kikić" in Gračanica has been completed. The education is intended primarily for teaching assistants, but also for teaching staff and special education teachers.
The topics of the role of teaching assistants and the role of parents in the upbringing and education of children with developmental disabilities were covered. The training methodology included lectures on the mentioned topics and practical exercises in creating material adapted for children with developmental disabilities that will enable them to acquire knowledge more easily.
As part of the practical work, the participants will visit the Institute for the Education of Persons with Mental and Physical Development Disabilities in Tuzla.
The "Education4All" project is financed by the American Embassy, and is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Tuzla Canton, the Institute for the Education of Persons with Mental and Physical Disabilities Tuzla and the Center for Early Intervention "Mali svijet" Bistarac.