A three-day training on basics of communication and presentation skills in tourism sector took place in Tuzla on November 1-3, 2023. The initiative is part of the project „Open-Air Everywhere“ – New open-air sites for better quality of tourism products. Mayor of Tuzla, Mr. Zijad Lugavić, greeted the participants on behalf of the city administration, as one of the partners in implementation of the project, and emphasized the importance of the cross-border cooperation for both countries and the commitment of the City of Tuzla to participate in similar initiatives in the future.
The training brought together 20 representatives of key tourism stakeholders from Tuzla Canton and region of Western Serbia including the tourism organizations/boards, service providers and NGOs working in the tourism sector. Through the theoretical and practical exercise, training participants were able to broaden basic skills related to communication and presentation with focus on guiding a tourist group, communicating with visitors, working with specific groups of visitors and working with different age groups. Training participants were also introduced with the basic marketing techniques and tools, including digital platforms, used in promotion of tourism sites.
The acquired knowldge in communication/animation of the tourists and visitors will strengthen the prospects in planning and realizing sustainable tourism activities and will enable efficient experience exchange and practices in promotion of the joint tourism offer. This training is a good example of how the joint CBC efforts, supported by the European Union, could improve the level of skills and competences of the key tourism stakeholders what would benefit the local communities through the enhanced tourism related activities.
The Project was financed within the third call of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014 - 2020 (IPA II) co-financed by the European Union. Total value of the project is 394,082.03 EUR with the European Union co-financing support of 84.87% (334,457.42 EUR) and 15,13% (59.624,61 EUR) contribution of the Project partners. The contract for co-funding by the European Union is signed with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia - Department for Contracting and Financing of EU Funded Programmes.